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Spreading Torah with Rabbi Baum

Thursday, February 23, 2023 2 Adar 5783

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


**A Five Week Adult Education Course
With Rabbi Baum

Haven’t read Torah since you became a Bar/Bat Mitzvah? Maybe you never had the chance to read Torah before, or perhaps you have some Torah in you that you want to share but thought, I don’t know where to even begin? 

If you answered yes to these questions, then this course is for you! 

Join us for the Spreading Torah Challenge with Congregation Shaarei Kodesh, generously funded by the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.

During our 5 part series, our cohort of learners will learn the basics of Torah and how to best teach Torah in creative ways. 

All classes are in-person at CSK from 7-8:30 PM
Participants will need to have a general knowledge of Hebrew reading
Class Topics:

Thursday, December 15
Re-Dedicate Yourself - Take the Spreading Torah Challenge

As we approach the holiday of Chanukah, we rededicate our Jewish souls.
During our introductory lesson, we will try to define the term Torah (hint - it may not be exactly what you think it is!) and learn about the difference between the written Torah and Oral Torah and how it connects us to the past, present, and future. Together, we will learn new approaches to learning Torah and develop our own personal challenges to learning Torah. During our introductory session, Rabbi Baum will give an overview of the Spreading  Torah Program. 

Thursday, January 12
How and Why We Started Reading Torah in Public -
The Origins and History of the Torah Service

Thursday, January 19
The Torah Service as Sinai - An in-depth study of the
Torah service and its Hidden Mysteries

Thursday, February 2
Introduction to Torah Trope with B'nai Mitzvah Tutor
Fred Berkowitz and Rabbi Baum


Thursday, February 23
Spreading Torah - Written and Oral Torah with guest presenter,
Ilene Prusher
**Those who wish to study Hebrew further (toward reading Torah or even Adult B’nai Mitzvah) will have the opportunity for one-on-one sessions with our B’nai Mitzvah Tutor, Fred Berkowitz

This program is made possible through a grant from the
Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County 

Complete the form below to RSVP.

Please read carefully and select the classes you will be able to
attend so we can have accurate attendance.
Testimonials from our first cohort:
"By delving more deeply into Torah and all that surrounds it (the service, the books, the history), I have gained a new dimension of respect and awe for this fundamental foundation of Judaism."

"This course has given me more to ponder when we start Torah Service. Instead of singing by rote, I may read the English (translation) and explore what I am saying."

"This course has given me a deeper understanding of Torah. It emphasized the importance and complexity of Torah service and learning Torah, thereby giving me the desire to learn to read from Torah."

"I learned how Torah was originally spread - via oral tradition and who was able to receive it (EVERYONE). I also learned that Torah is for all Jews - and was always for all Jews! I also learned about the origin of Torah trope and that there are many varieties of trope, depending on where you are from/live. I also learned some of the customs - like why we raise our pinky when the Torah is lifted, why the Torah is behind a veil, and the symbolism of when we received the Torah on Mount Sinai. I especially enjoyed Rabbi Baum's teaching style and high level of passion and engagement for the subject. He really helped motivate the class discussion!"

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