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About CSK

Our Purpose...

Congregation Shaarei Kodesh exists to ignite (לְהַדְלִיק- lehadlik) the Jewish spark within each individual, journeying together as a holy, Jewish community (קהילה יהודית קדושה- Kehillah Yehudit Kedosha)


Congregation Shaarei Kodesh is a holy community, kehillah kedoshah, affiliated with the Conservative/Masorti movement/United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.  We are an inclusive and egalitarian community. We offer a wide range of religious, educational and social activities for all ages -- from infants to seniors, and for all walks of life: singles of all ages, newlyweds, young families, empty nesters, interfaith families, same-sex couples/families, and people with special needs. We want everyone to feel comfortable at Shaarei Kodesh!  We hope you join us on our journey.

Click here to hear from members on the history of Congregation Shaarei Kodesh 



Founded in May 2004 by a group of energetic families who were looking to create a more intimate synagogue experience, Shaarei Kodesh began meeting in peoples’ homes. After several months and growing attendance, it became apparent that a larger space was needed, so we moved our services to the campus of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. In 2008, Congregation Shaarei Kodesh took the next big step and merged with Congregation Beth Tikvah.  Shaarei Kodesh welcomed Rabbi David Baum in 2009.  We are fortunate to have Rabbi Baum, his wife Alissa, and their three children as part of our kehillah kedoshah.

Our Congregation Shaarei Kodesh vision (חָזוֹן - hazon) is for our chaverim (חברים - friends/partners) to:

CONNECT (לְהִתְקַשֵׁר - l'kasher) with other individuals, the community, and the Holy Blessed One, the source of all life, through acts of loving kindness (גְמִילוּת חֲסָדִים - gemilut hasadim), prayer, study, holidays, holy conversation, and social gatherings,

WORK (לַעֲבוֹד - la’avod) for the congregation’s well-being by offering volunteer time and talent;

ENGAGE (לְהִתְעַסֵק - l'hit’aseik) by incubating (לְטַפֵּחַ - l’tapeach) new ways of building Jewish communal experience;

SUPPORT (לִתְמוֹך - litmoch) the congregation through meaningful monetary contributions.

SHARE (לְהִשְׂתַתֵף - lihistatayf) the congregation’s value by talking to others and inviting them;

We CONNECT (לְהִתְקַשֵׁר - l'kasher) with other individuals, the community, and the Holy Blessed One, the source of all life, through acts of loving kindness (גְמִילוּת חֲסָדִים - gemilut hasadim), prayer, study, holidays, holy conversation, and social gatherings.

We can contemplate Rabbi Baum’s spiritual question, posed weekly at our Living Room Kabbalat Shabbat each Friday evening. We can build our foundation in Hebrew through classes; uncover meaning in prayer during Shabbat and holiday services; study the weekly parashah with our rabbi and other teachers as well as other educational opportunities. Our presence during times of celebration—b’nai mitzvah, brit milah/brit bat, aufruf—weaves us into the community of joy. Our presence at a funeral and at the home of a mourner, forming the minyan and whispering words of kindness, knits us into the community of comfort. We join together in גמילות חסדים/acts of loving-kindness through our Sunshine Team, which visits the sick and homebound and provides for their needs, and we help the larger community through social action projects like our gleaning initiative with CROS ministries which feeds the food insecure of South Palm Beach County.

We WORK (לַעֲבוֹד - la’avod) for the congregation’s well-being by offering freely of our volunteer time and talent. We can serve on committees and the board of trustees; strive to be responsible stewards of our finances and building; lead programs, beautify our space, make meals. We can offer to lead services when needed, read Torah or Haftarah, or tutor others in these skills.

We ENGAGE (לְהִתְעַסֵק - l'hit’aseik) by incubating (לְטַפֵּחַ - l’tapeach) new ways of building Jewish communal experience, within the context of Conservative/Masorti Judaism, which is egalitarian and inclusive, always engaged with the complex relationship between Jewish life and the secular world. We honor the rich traditions of the past, imagining what’s possible in the future, while being ever mindful of what’s present. We welcome new ideas, individuals, and households, as well as collaboration with other Jewish groups, faith communities, and secular organizations. Our community can cherish those who seek traditional prayer and those whose spirits are touched by meditation or music. We can be a place where people of all generations turn to Judaism and Jewish communal life for new ways of making meaning in their lives, asking questions, and finding each other. Our Jewish communal experience includes shared love and support for the modern state of Israel, even while we can recognize that our joy is not unalloyed. We strive to understand Israel’s complex political and social fabric, while listening respectfully to people whose voices differ from ours.

To SUPPORT (לִתְמוֹך  - litmoch) the congregation, the Jewish community, and the broader community, we make meaningful monetary contributions. With open hands and loving hearts, we express gratitude for our professional staff, ensuring that they are fairly compensated. We know that our dues underwrite our congregation—the staff, the building, the programmatic offerings. We also know that our additional financial gifts to the congregation are also important. These help us grow, seeding new initiatives and possibilities. Our additional gifts of tzedakah help individuals and families, by ensuring membership for people unable to pay full dues, and helping those experiencing financial hardship with basic needs like groceries. All of these acts can serve as the foundation from which we pursue justice (לרדוף צדק - lirdof tzedek), and strive to make the world a better place.

To SHARE (לְהִשְׂתַתֵף - lihistatayf) the congregation’s value, we talk to others and invite them. We want to make sure that others seeking a Jewish place for an evening or a lifetime know about our community. We welcome others in person with our smiles and our words, and we welcome others online through posts and photos. Using print and social media in formal and informal ways, we can describe our community, inviting others to join us for anything from holidays to Shabbat to evenings of games, guest speakers, or entertainment. We can set up individual conversations with others to get to know them. We can invite others to our homes for Shabbat or holiday meals.


Congregation Shaarei Kodesh   19785-1 Hampton Drive   Boca Raton, FL  33434     561-852-6555

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784